Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"A French novel" by Frederic Beigbeder

Without any doubts Frederic Beigbeder is my favorite modern author. I read almost all his books and with each one I like him even more. "A French novel" is his first autobiography. Each day of our life is a result of yesterday choices. Our personality it is a result of our childhood. But who is a person, who doesn't remember his childhood, who's first memories only start at age of 15. Frederic tries to find out who is he, when he locked in French prison for a few days, as escape from the reality he starts to remember his life from the beginning. Only when he found a way to that small boy, which always was inside him, he felt that he knows how to find a way to his future.

It is really a good book, book with a soul. Only when you know where was a beginning, you can see the road ahead.

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