Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sophie Kinsella "Can you keep a secret?"

Few years ago I read famous book about shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. That time I found it quite simple but idea was interesting. When I started to read "Can you keep a secret?" I found myself that author changed names, situation a little bit but main line of this book is exactly the same.
Emma, feel herself lost, her family doesn't understand her, her carrier doesn't move to direction she wants it to move, relations with her boyfriend is not exactly what she wants. One day everything is changing, with stranger coming into her life. She meets Jack on plane, it seemed to her that plane is crashing and she opens all little secrets to him. Emma falling in love with a new man, who is boss of the company where she is working.
Intrigue of the book is that Jack opens Emma's secrets to public by mistake on TV.
It was easy-book for reading during my lunch time. I can't really recommend it to anyone, it is so many books out there, it is possible to find something better!

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