Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The Borgia Bride" by Jeanne Kalogridis

This book was suggested to me by one of my friends. In this novel writer describeds life of Sancha of Aragon during her early years in Naples and then in Rome. She got married with son of Pope Alexander "5" and moved from her hometown to the capital. With her move she started to play important role for few people from Borgia family. She went through love, pain and loss. But Sancha as true member of the Aragon family, showed hew strength to everyone who hurts her.
It is not a happy end book but it finishes on positive and with hope for better.
This book is based on some real facts and decorated with interesting story line. I didn't know anything about Borgia family before so for me was very interesting to discover few historical facts about that period.
I can say that this book has pluses and minuses. As its positive sides I can say that story in very interesting, sometimes you just can't stop to read it because every page brings something exciting. Main minus for me is some erotic moments, which wasn't in the right place in this book. Author could describe such things in a more sophisticated way, on my opinion.
As a result, I can say that I enjoyed reading this book and I will be glad to find something similar to read in the future!

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