Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"The House on the Strand" by Daphne du Maurier

This book is very different to other books by Daphne du Maurier. It is my third book and with each one I more and more falling in love with her style.
This is a story about travelling in time. Dick Young came to Cornwall, using invitation of his old friend professor Magnus. Dick feeling himself lost in his life, he left his London job without any big reason, his wife wants him to move to New York but he is not very open for this idea. When professor propose him to try his new invention - drug which helps you to travel in time, Dick go into this adventure. With each trip old times attracts him more and more, he falls in love with lady there and he finds his new/old world is matches him much more, then his own reality with family, work and other casual things.
Dick's trips becoming more and more dangerous. His friend-professor suddenly dies, but his can't stop Dick, something holds him in past and with each time for him is more and more difficult to understand where is real world and where is not.
It is no actual final, author give us chance to guess, what happened with Dick in the end, if he found energy to stay in present or his mind will stay in past forever!

I find this book is a certain mix in between "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami and Irvin Shaw novels.

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